Food on Safari

Let The Safari Butler curate the perfect foodie experience to accentuate your safari. A proudly Zimbabwean company with a great desire and passion to bring out the best in luxury bush cooking and remote catering in the African Bush.
Charismatic, creative, personal and professional are our 4 pillars upon which we live, love and laugh...

The Butler's Duties

The Feast

Specializing in catering in the most remote destinations in the African Bush, the Safari Butler brings a degree of sophistication and luxury to the most rustic of campsites. Let the Safari Butler be your private safari chef and indulge in the flavours of Africa, delight in delectable fire cooked foods and experience the extraordinary creativity of a true bush kitchen like never before!

The Wine Cellar

The importance of a wine cellar or an adjusted bush cellar is to store your favorite tipple and making sure the important factors, such as temperature and humidity are controlled and maintained in the perfect environment. In the African heat it's important to make sure your favorite refreshment is always on hand!

The Dining Room

At the safari butler, we pride ourselves on creating exciting and spectacular bush dining rooms, which bring out the beauty of Africa to fulfill all potential in a setting.
Our dining rooms are designed to a seamless and fun sense of true bush life with twist of quality and abundance.

The Pantry

Let the safari butler do all the planning and procurement for you or your client's safari. We'll put together a menu plan and stock a pantry that is enticing and exciting; one that can last the extreme conditions in the bush. Our menus are designed to be inventive as well as to bring out the best in a bush setting, with tried and tested recipes and creative new ideas.

The Butler's Story

It all started with a love of good food...

For as long as we can remember food has been a huge and passionate part of the Safari Butler's life. It is our belief that the palate is a powerful thing and can bring so much joy and fulfillment to ones life. Food is unique, ever changing and extremely exciting and must be explored and enhanced. Even in the most remote settings.

And a thirst for Adventure...

Food for the soul is what brings out the best the Safari Butler. We believe life without adventure, exploration and travel is flavorless. And so we have dedicated ourselves to exploring the dusty roads which weave themselves through the heart of the African wilderness, sharing meals with those we encounter along the way, leaving in them a new love affair with food and a thirst for adventure!

Brought together over flames...

Traditions last a lifetime and cooking on an open fire is a tradition that encapsulates bush life, adventure and the great outdoors. Smokey aromas can tantalize even the most weary explorers to join their brethren around the flames and indulge in shared tales of their adventures.Gathering around a table to feast on fired food is a fabulous and timeless experience, honored in our most treasured memories !

Which evolved into the ultimate bush kitchen.

And along came the Rugged Kitchen, an old horsebox that has been lovingly restored into a 4 x 4 portable bush kitchen. Stacked with cooking equipment and an fully functional dining room, the Rugged Kitchen is designed to bring good food far and wide.

Get in touch!